Sunday, November 22, 2009

A Recap of the Previous week (and what's to come)

For the Cubs, it was a a somewhat active week. 

First off was the re-signing of John Grabow to a (gulp) two year, $7.5 million dollar contract.  I hate contracts like this to relief pitchers.  Second was the trading away of Aaron Heilman to Arizona for a couple of low end prospects.  Third, Milton Bradley is still on the team with the likelihood of him staying on the team increasing, unfortunately.  We'll have to see what happens.  

Some time this week, I'll be adding a side bar which will contain brief clips on the latest news and rumors that I hear or see that might be important to the world of some of you have complained that I don't need to do a new blog entry for every bit of news I hear.  Fine. :p

What else to look forward this coming week?  Commentary on Wrigley Field...Dumbass of the Week...and Explaination of my dislike of Michael Barrett, and left field analysis on Friday (if you don't mind, I'm taking Thursday off unless there is a big trade or something). 

Oh...and thanks to CubbieJulie and Carrie the Muskrat for getting everyone irrationally excited over the prospect of the Cubs getting Roy Halliday from the Blue Jays. 

It ain't going to happen.  Stop dreaming, Cub fans!

So, sit back, enjoy some football today, if that's possible, and get ready for Thanksgiving week when we give thanks for, well, another season in which the Yankees won a World Series title, thus putting off the apocolypse for another year.  

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